Creating aliases to your mail server

    You can create aliases to your mail server so that mail that appears to be addressed to different domains is actually routed to the same mail server.

    For example, if your mail server's domain name is "," you can create aliases for different parts of your organization, such as "" or "" Mail addressed to either alias will be sent to ""

    By themselves, aliases work only with the mail server you create them on. To use aliases with other mail servers, you also need to set up a DNS entry with MX-list information for the alias. ("MX" stands for mail exchange.) The AppleShare IP mail server processes MX records in accordance with industry standards and works with all standard implementations of DNS.

    To create an alias that works only with your mail server:
    1 Open Mac OS Server Admin and log on to the server you want to administer.
    2 Press the Mail Services button and choose Show Host List.
    3 Click the New Host button.
    4 Type an alias in the New Host Profile box.
    For example, "".
    5 Double-click the new host in the Host List window.
    6 Click the Mail To tab.
    7 Select the checkbox labeled "Relay all SMTP mail via," then enter the domain name of your mail server.
    For example, "".
    8 Click Save.
    9 Tell your users about the alias.

    To make aliases recognizable to other mail systems:
    1 Create an alias following the instructions above.
    2 Open the MX list on your DNS server.
    See the documentation that came with your DNS software for information on opening the MX list.
    3 Create an entry with the name of the alias you created.
    For example, "".
    4 Add to this entry the DNS name of the mail server.
    For example, "".

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